Writer of Tiny Tales

  • Christmas Rerun

  • Celebrate the wins

    It’s been a minute (ok 6 months) since I’ve blogged, primarily because I didn’t feel like I had anything to blog about other than complaining about how hard writing is, and how hard getting published is. Where’s a good Cher face slap “Snap out of it!” when you need one? Enough whining. I have lots…

  • Micro Month Madness

    June is Microfiction month and I’m delighted to share two micros I got published last week. Both are summer-themed and originally drafted for the NYC Midnight 100-word competition. The first is a romcom. I HATE writing romcoms. The only thing worse than writing romance is writing funny romance. So it’s a miracle I not only…

  • #30words30days

    For the month of April, I’m doing the #30words30days challenge on Twitter run by my friend and award-winning micro fiction writer Sumitra Singam. Every day is a new word prompt to inspire 30-word stories. It’s a kind of mental hygiene—a phrase coined by another friend and creative writing professor Finnian Burnett. I am loving this…

  • Sci-Fi Mania

    I’m a huge nerd. I love Star Trek, Star Wars, and Marvel Superhero movies, and I grew up reading 80s fantasy novels, but I don’t typically write genre fiction. A writing competition I took part in randomly assigns genres and I got science fiction. Surprise, surprise—I loved writing this story; it’s about siblings and the…

  • New Year’s Resolutions: write more, drink less, go to the gym, don’t fart during yoga.

    Kicking off the New Year, I’m writing again (albeit non-fiction for paying clients), but writing is writing. I’ve also given up my one true love–red wine. A lot of folks are doing dry January in an attempt to reset from all the over-indulging over the holidays. There’s a huge uptick in gym memberships. The mainstays…

  • Slump

    When you’re in a Slump, you’re not in for much fun. Un-slumping yourself is not easily done.” ― Dr. Seuss, Oh, the Places You’ll Go! I signed up for NanoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) expecting it to reinvigorate my writing. Guess what? It’s Nov. 30 and I’ve written one 250-word story that I felt like I HAD to…

  • What did you want to be when you grew up?

    As a kid, I thought I’d grow up to practice law like my dad. At the dinner table, he’d regale us with stories about his court cases, which were dramatic, often horrifying, and always fascinating. Instead of becoming a lawyer, I became a writer. This is an entirely untrue tiny tale set in a courtroom…

Got any book recommendations?